36 Summary of the Special Field Theory

Capital productivity

GDP with respect to productivity of capital:

total capital-output ratio or capitalcoeffizient:

The ratio

of all national bank assets to gross domestic product.
traditional capital-output ratio


direct capital investment
The proportion of the total capital stock, which is introduced in a direct manner to the GDP


indirect use of capital:

The difference between the sum total of all bank assets K (example U0308 series of Bundesbank) and(example: U0115 series of Bundesbank).


indirect capital-coefficient 


Basic Macroeconomic Equation System

with and and

is the net investment ratio and

the net business rates of the banking industry


Capital Yield Equation


Percentage of direct capital investment: 

Re-investment-equation (capital to GDP loans)

phenomenological exponential form

phenomenological net business rate

simplified basic model:

approximate ansatz for productivity increase


whereis the function of effective productivity increase (decrease) .

Carts or basket for CPI


Inflation rate of the i-th basket

monetary calibration


linear monetary calibration


monetary exponential calibration


Capital productivity for the basic model:


Inflation rate from capital productivity



Cobb-Douglas production function CDPF:

special CDPF with :

CDPF is special AK-model with

Simplified system basis


End of direct GDP growth

(for FRG data approximatly:years )


indirect growth

for idg-GDP-growth

for idg-CAP-growth

for idg-GDP-growth

for idg-CAP-growth

for idg-GDP-growth

for idg-CAP-growth

with .

complete analytical system of equations


Growth frequency

Analytical solution

Growth path


Maximum path


Crisis path



specific growth forms

(negativ (D1) )

(positiv (D2) )



(Null (D3) )

and/or and with the following abbreviations used:

Approximation for small arguments :

Characteristic frequency

Characteristic time

(For FRG approximately years.)

General immediate growth condition


Rule of thumb for macroeconomic half-life-time

Thumb formula for moderate values of and :

with = 5% gives years half-life-time

Classical Quantity Equation

extended quantity equation

simplified monetary velocity


Extended form of the balance equation

with and

(Real trade and investment interests)


Prices of real goods, depending on investment products


For and :

In times before crisis

for and

In times of crisis

In the final stage for and


macroeconomic supply-demand equation

Business management success 

Business substitution competition



Marginal utility theory


Second law of Gossen


Gossen second law of economic conservation equation

with the conversion



Diminishing marginal utility with economic competition


Competitive pricing with substitution

price change

The marginal benefitis achieved when


Trading volume in the substitutional competition


Substitutional Competition


Trade substitution


Rates of change of trade substitution

Because of one needs and to achieve the changes.


General substitutional relationship


Systemic Importance

Damage comparison

Interest income of financial products

Total stock of all derivatives:


Macroeconomic Savings

enhanced savings:


Inflation-related price change


Critical Trading Term




Trading volume


Trading volume on growth path


Trading volume on crisis path


Change in price level




Trading volume in normal times approximate formula


Progressive form of inflation in normal times


Analytical Core Inflation

expressed in growth rates:

actual inflation rate

with for the FRG data.

State Substitutional Competition

with and


State budget balance

Deficient State

Ideal State

Profitable State


Public Debt

Resource orientation of the public debt



Dependent Economies



World Economic System

dimensional matrices:



Balanced external relations




Maximum imbalance


World energy and resources balance sheet


World Sustainability Coefficient


National Sustainability Coefficient


Sustainable boundary of national growth