43 The Predator-Prey Symmetry

Real solution will break the latest, when the GDP has fallen to zero. To examine the formal structure of the linear system of equations, we but can simply continue to run the equations beyond the endpoint. In the following figure, we see the resulting effect: The solutions for K and Y will oscillate somehow out of phase around the zero line. It does, however, increase the maximum amplitude in time exponentially.



Such solutions are typically found in so-called "predator-prey" models (PPM), derived from theoretical biology. The most prominent PPM is the Lotka-Volterra model, which was already established in the 19th-century, to explain the dynamics of populations of the animal kingdom.The Lotka-Volterra equations are::



where two populations, a live prey and its predatorsare in competition and mutual dependency. On the one hand, the predators eat and decimate their prey at the rate, on the other hand, the spoils should go never out to survive. The decline of prey now results in a phase-shifted decrease in predators , the prey population which in turn gives time to recover. The killing of prey is simulated by, ie the respective direct encounter between the two populations, which at a certain rate for the predator is positive (eat) and negative for the prey (die).   Now the basic system of a national economy is of a similar structure:


for the “meeting” of capital and GDP has different effects on GDP and capital stock. In particularis the result of the encounter . Similarly, however, are savings because it depends on an appropriate encounterof the two. Thus in principle we can write:


The termwe have just inserted in order to demonstrate the same type of structure here. The difference lies in the very different structure of the reproduction rates of the two populations. The first term of the second equation, we can also replace by net exports, which would ideally be zero, but often is not:


The different problem is ergo, that the growth ratesand are not fed back to each other. This does not result in a converging, but a as we will see, in divergent behavior. We thus want to investigate this further. Now you can also simply indicate that GDP is a function of capital, so instead of the two functions Y(t) and K(t), we can now draw the derived one function Y(K). So we change our reference room, to come to a simpler but more meaningful representation. For this, we just have to plot the real data of Y and K and the basis model data as well to show. At first glance, this appears to be a function as a parable, and in fact they can be approximated with a high confidence level for the FRG with the regression


This is a practical rule of thumb to us, from which we get the GDP Y to be expected with a capital stock of K in the FRG.

The rule of thumb


can be determined and used for each country N, without large external net premiums, slightly. The coefficients are sorted according to their meaning, here for the FRG:

GDP-Offset ()

Average Capital Efficiency

Repressional Capital Coefficient

The constantdescribes in principle the GDP at the beginning of the census, compounded from with inflation. We already know the constantwhich is nothing more than the average capital efficiency, which was for the FRG nearly 52%. So in the long term one half of capital goes into the real economy, the other half into the building up of the capital. The constant now describes the negative feedback by the with time increasing amount of return on capital as the pressure on the GDP ultimately resulting from the compound interest. We call it, because of its low absolute, but due to the entrance to the square of the capital increasing weight, as the Capital Repression Coefficients with its unit is. From the regression equation


the solution is forgiven by


and with the values for the FRG we get bn. €/year, the latter of which is the maximum positive value of capital stock, while for the GDP to the value zero is depressed. The maximum of the development is given by

at     (43.10)

with Billion € for the FRG. This is the maximum value of the capital raising ability of the Federal Republic until the turn of development. Especially the final valueis in the extent of theoretical nature, as we would assume that until finite decline all market participants would behave unaffected by the development. At the latest after exceeding the maximum but this is increasingly unlikely, and the artificial interventions in the monetary and economic system are increasing. This leads to the relevant variablesandgetting more and more important in the basic equations .