49 Summary of the General Field Theory

Fundamental Geometric Law of Standard Substitutional Economics.

Spanned footage by the money supplyand the area spanned by merchandisehas to be equal over time:

which can be thus also written as

General nonlinear QE:

Or taking the root:

Hereandare pseudo-complex matrices with matrix-summation norm, vector normand the sub-indexdenotes the time-derivative respectively.

Field Equations of Economy using geometric tensor:


External contributionsare given in the case of closed, or for quasi-closed national economies.

net compound complex business:


Complex Cashflow;complex interest rate;complex rate of inflation.

limits on investment trade to the possible growth rate of GDP:


we get the growth rate

inflation rate.

Introducing labor and wages:


sample special field equations



which are to be solved simultaneous and consistently. Capital supply and demand function

   for the FRG:    

Savings rate

Commercial bank share


Non-linear equations fundamental approach


Euler-Lagrange equation


Lotka-Volterra equations

LVE of economy:

FRG regression Y(K)


with regression coefficients

GDP Compounded Offset GCO

Average Capital Efficiency ACE

Capital Repression Coefficient CRC


Maximum capital raising ability until begin of collapse (without external contributions)

FRG: bn. €.


Economic Pythagoras

three solutions

Monetary Velocity: The magnitude of the complex solution vector

With  or

Approximate solutions of higher order





and for n=2 :


inclusive of the total amount of the radical:


Trading Volume




Price level and Inflation

with the abbreviations:




Inflation or Pricing




is the time where the GDP has dropped to zero in theory.



General Lagrangian of the economy


Energy definition

Kinetic energy ; Potential energy


Total energy


Operator Notation

with operators


Commutator Residue
