====== The "Maddie-Case" MetaResource - Just Five Hours in May ====== {{ :search.jpg?300|}} **If you have any problems with this Wiki or like to give any advice/opinion/information:** please email me at ->[[heribert.genreith@t-online.de|H. Genreith]] (__just klick it!__) **Search window position is Top Right Corner of the Wiki** ---- ===== Entrypoints ===== **Actual Comment: In 2020 the case is still open. I didn't work much on the Wiki since end of 2016. Today a lot of links are broken due to the fact that a lot of Websites I refer to have given up working from frustation or pressure. I'll try to fix at least some. ** {{ https://www.gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk/Nigel/sitebuilderpictures/SundayExpress25042010b.jpg?150|Source: McCannFiles.com, Sunday Express Scan}} **__Entry BACKBONE:__ [[timetable|TIMETABLE of events]] as from PJ-Files** **__To search for any keyword:__** Always use the **__SEARCH-WINDOW__ AT THE TOP RIGHT CORNER** on this wikisite **For an introduction see: [[Introduction|INTRODUCTION]].** **Entry point by Actors: [[actors|List of IMPORTANT ACTORS]]** **The Maddie-Case's very [[special_circumstances|SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES]]** **A scientific entry point: [[forensic_articles|List of FORENSIC ARTICLES]]** ---- There are some official reports on the case done by [[policia_judiciaria_pj|Policia Judiciaria (PJ)]]: * Final report of the PJ 2007 investigation ->[[http://genreith.de/pj-summary-2007.pdf|PDF File]] * Files archiving report after PJ 2008 investigation ->[[http://genreith.de/pj-archiving-2008.pdf|PDF File]] [[british_police|British police]] denied to investigate the main suspects. Instead [[operation_grange|Operation Grange]] was set into duty. __ Latest News:__ - at ->[[https://www.gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk/Nigel/id232.htm|McCannFiles]] - at ->[[https://twitter.com/search?q=%23mccann&src=typd|Twitter]] - at ->[[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/madeleinemccann/|The Telegraph]] - at ->[[http://metro.co.uk/tag/madeleine-mccann/|Metro]] - at ->[[http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/all-about/madeleine-mccann|DailyRecord]] ---- ===== What this Wiki is intended for ===== This Wiki is intended to be a **Meta-Resource to the so called "Maddie Case"**. Besides some additional informations here you will mainly find **structured links to resources** into the Maddie-Case available in the World-Wide-Web. The internet today holds tens of thousands of pages related to this "Criminal Case of the Century". The ->[[http://mccannPjfiles.co.uk|official PJ-Files]] were given to the public in 2008 and hold about **11223 pages of statements, photos and physical hard facts**. Besides this serious source there are a lot of forensically worth non-official information through newspapers and media around the world. The largest serious collection are the ->[[https://www.gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk/Nigel|McCannFiles]] which will add up at least another 10000 pages of highly interesting information. Also there exist a large number of Blogs and Forums of discussion of the Case which also hold a lot of very unstructured information. __The structured Entry into the matter shall allow the **Public, Journalists and Investigators** to get informations in a convenient and serious way.__ **Hopefully this Resource will help somebody to finally solve and close the miracolous Case of [[madeleine_beth_mccann|Madeleine Beth McCann]].** ---- ===== How to use the Wiki ===== **The entrance** of every Wiki is something very unimposing: The **SEARCH-Bar** at the Top-Right Edge of the Webpage. __Searching for your desired information can be done by:__ - **Type in a search phrase** into the //Search field// at the top right banner picture to get a list with places of findings. - **Choose one place of findings** to get your desired information. - **Use the blue //crosslinks//** to hip-hop through the informations as you like. - **Use the "//Backlinks//"** button at the command line at the bottom to see which articles link to the actual one. - **Use //external links//** which are signed by an arrow -> in front of its blue link. - **Jumping back to this start-page** can be done at any point by klicking the string "//Just five hours in May//" in the left top banner picture. - **Use the "//Recent changes//"** button at the command line at the bottom to see which articles are new or have changed. - **Use the "//Sitemap//"** button at the bottom command line or the left sidebar for a list of files. - **Use the "//Discussion//"** button at the bottom command line for short discussions and questions. - You may also have a look at other **[[webresources|webresources]]** for further informations ---- ===== Participate ===== Participation is needed and appreciated. See for editing rights and for (short) Comments, Discussions and Questions at: **[[discussion:discussion|Discussions and Questions]] //(Open for Edit)//** You may **use the bookcreator** at the top of each page to create your personal PDF-Book from //Just Five hours in May// Pages. You can dowanload the pages then for use on your personal devices or just to print out. For legal issues see [[disclaimer|General Disclaimer]]. The CEO of this Wiki can be found at ->[[http://genreith.de/index.php?id=kontaktimpressum|Contact]]. --------- ===== Downloads ===== __**For your convenience and any further use, e.g. on handheld devices, ebooks, or for offline use:**__ You may download **the whole wiki (__DATE: 25-Sep-2016__) ->[[http://genreith.de/Just5hours.zip|Just5hours.zip]] in HTML-format** (compressed zip-File ca. 37 MB; you may unzip file to use it offline on your ebook-reader/Tablet/Smart-phone...) To download your own collection of (__actual__) informations as **PDF-File**, please use the **"book creator" buttons** at the top of each page. ---- Software DokuWiki is available at http://download.dokuwiki.org/ (Freeware) __To work further with a nicely forencis tool:__ //The yEd Graph Editor is a powerful desktop application that generates high-quality diagrams for data for analysis. The automatic layout algorithms arrange even large data sets with just the press of a button.// Download ->[[http://www.yworks.com/en/products_yed_download.html| yEd Program]] (Freeware) Download yEd-Graphics File: ->[[http://www.genreith.de/Maddie/scot-con/scot-con.graphml| scot-con.graphml]] (Just5hours sample File for yEd) ----