====== Metodo 3 ====== **Metodo 3** is a small Spanish Detective Agency. It was [[madeleine_fund|hired by the McCanns]] in September 2007. See more details at ->[[https://www.gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk/Nigel/id76.htm|McCannFiles]] See also: [[private_investigators|Private Investigators hired by the McCanns]] "Método 3 are the team of private investigators hired by the McCanns when they returned to the UK, after the [[policia_judiciaria_pj|Policia Judiciaria]] had made them [[suspects|'arguidos']]. It is reported that the final bill for Método 3's work could be anywhere between £300,000 and £750,000." ---- At the time working for Metodo 3: * Franciso Marco - Manager * Antonio Jiminez Raso * Gary Hagland (needs checking) * Julian Peribanez