Just five hours in May

What really happened to Madeleine Beth McCann?

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Madeleine Beth McCann

Date of birth: 12-May-2003Source: McCannPJFiles.com

Date of possible death: 03-May-2007 around 18:00 o'Clock

Place of birth: Leicester, United Kingdom

Height: 90 cm

Eyes: Left eye: blue and green; right eye: green with a brown spot on the iris

Hair: Straight blond hair

Mother: Kate Healy-McCann

Father: Gerry McCann

From statement →T. Almeida: Madeleine Beth McCann was born on the 12th of May of 2003. She is missing (disappeared) since 03 of May of 2007, a fact that occurred in Praia da Luz, Lagos. She is the daughter of Gerald and Kate McCann and her birth was desired and planned. However it must be referred the difficulty of the mother to get pregnant, from which resulted the necessary treatments and their 'costs'. [presumed he refers more to the emotional and social costs than monetary ones].

She was born after fertilization 'in vitro', but in face of the DNA profile of the minor, she is the daughter of the couple McCann. It is a scientific fact that the medical treatments to overcome some of the causes for a non-pregnancy raises the probability of, in a normal pregnancy, twins may be born. In this case we can see that a pregnancy, although desired and planned, turned into a family situation of five instead of three persons. And then, to take care of one child is not the same as taking care of three, all very young.

Disappeared 3rd May 2007 after last independent seeing at ca. 17:30 (Kids Club Check out)

The last photo taken of her is alleged at 13:29 on 03 May 2007. See also →Gerry's 1st Trip Home / The 'Last Photograph'

More Details at McCannFiles →(1)(2)(3) (Maddie or Madeleine?)