26 Substitution Laws

We can now calculate such a utility function. Therefore we can invest the following considerations: When a new product is introduced or an existing product is promoted with the aim of increasing trade, we can estimate the resulting effects, provided by the trading volume with a prefactor:


The importance of this function is as follows: Each product has a particular significanceto the purchaser. However, this product can be degraded up to a certain degree,


so that the money saved can be used for another product. This happens from the timeon. As a rule, the substitution of a product is not abrupt, but spread over time, so we assume a half-lifeof the substitution of the product. Such a half-life is particularly justified when we talk about major product groups and/or a large number of buyers. We can use our supply and demand-function that is now written as follows:


where, particularly in commercial and private environment, through profit or loss or income change also an additional source or sink ofmay be present.


Such a sourcewould allow the purchase of new products without compromising the residual volume,in contrast, must automatically trigger a corrective response. Let us first examine the situation withas it usually56 exists in an economy. We consider the situation when two products x and y are in competition:


It is the product y to be advertised and the product or product group x should be taken ago for the necessary cash flows57 first The remaining groups are again equal and can be subtracted.
It is therefore
and with the function, holds, where the balance must be balanced:


This appliesand we may write withthe following equation:


The product y thus takes the trade products sharesof x. So applies to the temporal changes


and because of these changes are either be taken from or or both to increase or to reduce. So the question still remains, which can take place in the event of sources or sinks Q, if fromholds:


Now, Q may be invested in the x or y or both:


If the source Q is a one-time thing, then this does not alter the rates of change, because constantsvanish in the differentiation. If it is a permanent process, however, like the interest on savings, then this share does not disappear. These sources or sinks must therefore always be incorporated economically inoror both58.

This means that interest and compound interest is to generate only when trading volumes and prices rise accordingly. The same applies to income improvement or even decreases, which act according to their sign on trading volumes and prices as well.