The British Wikipedia Summary of the Maddie case →''Disappearance of Madeleine McCann''
also on British Wikipedia →Response to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann
also on British Wikipedia →Sightings of Madeleine McCann
also on British Wikipedia →Disappearance of Joana Cipriano
The Portuguise Wikipedia Summary of the Maddie case →''Desaparecimento de Madeleine McCann''
The German Wikipedia Summary of the Maddie case →''Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann''
The Spanish Wikipedia Summary of the Maddie case →''Desaparicion de Madeleine McCann''
The French Wikipedia Summary of the Maddie case →''Disparition de Madeleine McCann''
The Italian Wikipedia Summary of the Maddie case →''Sparizione di Madeleine McCann''
The Netherlands Wikipedia Summary of the Maddie case →''Verdwijning van Madeleine McCann''
The Swedish Wikipedia Summary of the Maddie case →''Madeleine McCann''
The Norwegian Wikipedia Summary of the Maddie case →''Madeleine McCann saken''
The Danish Wikipedia Summary of the Maddie case →''Madeleine McCann sagen''