Just five hours in May

What really happened to Madeleine Beth McCann?

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The "Maddie-Case" MetaResource - Just Five Hours in May

If you have any problems with this Wiki or like to give any advice/opinion/information: please email me at →H. Genreith (just klick it!)

Search window position is Top Right Corner of the Wiki


Actual Comment: In 2020 the case is still open. I didn't work much on the Wiki since end of 2016. Today a lot of links are broken due to the fact that a lot of Websites I refer to have given up working from frustation or pressure. I'll try to fix at least some.

Source: McCannFiles.com, Sunday Express Scan

Entry BACKBONE: TIMETABLE of events as from PJ-Files

To search for any keyword: Always use the SEARCH-WINDOW AT THE TOP RIGHT CORNER on this wikisite

For an introduction see: INTRODUCTION.

Entry point by Actors: List of IMPORTANT ACTORS


A scientific entry point: List of FORENSIC ARTICLES

There are some official reports on the case done by Policia Judiciaria (PJ):

  • Final report of the PJ 2007 investigation →PDF File
  • Files archiving report after PJ 2008 investigation →PDF File

British police denied to investigate the main suspects. Instead Operation Grange was set into duty.

Latest News:

  1. at →Twitter
  2. at →Metro

What this Wiki is intended for

This Wiki is intended to be a Meta-Resource to the so called “Maddie Case”.

Besides some additional informations here you will mainly find structured links to resources into the Maddie-Case available in the World-Wide-Web.

The internet today holds tens of thousands of pages related to this “Criminal Case of the Century”. The →official PJ-Files were given to the public in 2008 and hold about 11223 pages of statements, photos and physical hard facts. Besides this serious source there are a lot of forensically worth non-official information through newspapers and media around the world. The largest serious collection are the →McCannFiles which will add up at least another 10000 pages of highly interesting information. Also there exist a large number of Blogs and Forums of discussion of the Case which also hold a lot of very unstructured information.

The structured Entry into the matter shall allow the Public, Journalists and Investigators to get informations in a convenient and serious way.

Hopefully this Resource will help somebody to finally solve and close the miracolous Case of Madeleine Beth McCann.

How to use the Wiki

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Searching for your desired information can be done by:

  1. Type in a search phrase into the Search field at the top right banner picture to get a list with places of findings.
  2. Choose one place of findings to get your desired information.
  3. Use the blue crosslinks to hip-hop through the informations as you like.
  4. Use the “Backlinks button at the command line at the bottom to see which articles link to the actual one.
  5. Use external links which are signed by an arrow → in front of its blue link.
  6. Jumping back to this start-page can be done at any point by klicking the string ”Just five hours in May” in the left top banner picture.
  7. Use the “Recent changes button at the command line at the bottom to see which articles are new or have changed.
  8. Use the ”Sitemap button at the bottom command line or the left sidebar for a list of files.
  9. Use the ”Discussion button at the bottom command line for short discussions and questions.
  10. You may also have a look at other webresources for further informations


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