Just five hours in May

What really happened to Madeleine Beth McCann?

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Web Resources

There is a huge amount of more or less serious and more or less structured information to the Maddie-Case in the WWW.

A list of some interesting sources is presented here:

1.) The main sources, which are the best sources for even forensic investigations:

  1. The official PJ-Files: OFFICIAL INQUIRY FILES and DOCUMENTS from Policia Judiciaria (PJ)
  2. → ( Web Archive-PJ-Files backup if needed)
  3. Goncalo Amaral: Chief Investigator PJ 2007 (June 2020: broken link)
  4. Operation Grange: actual Scotland Yard Operation
  5. The McCann's FindMadeleine Campaign (The McCann's Madeleine's Fund official support website)
  6. Projecto Justiça Gonçalo Amaral (engl./port. Amaral support)
  7. The McCannFiles. (By Nigel Moore, see there also Latest news.) (Original link was broken, now saved under “Gerry-McCann-blogs”)
  8. The Madeleine Foundation (By Tony Bennet) (June 2020: broken link)
  9. The Maddie Case Files: sorted information at one place

For Wikipedia articles see Wikipedia Summaries



GerryMcCannsBlogs The purpose of this site is for information and a record of Gerry McCann's Blog Archives. As most people will appreciate GM deleted all past blogs from the official website. Hopefully this Archive will be helpful to anyone who is interested in Justice for Madeleine Beth McCann.

Misscarriage of justice A very warm welcome to this our brand new forum which will attempt to explore possible miscarriages of justice within the United Kingdom. Our aim is to provide an independent platform for all views irrespective of what they are in relation to the cases being discussed. Every member is entitled to add new cases as and when they arise with the only proviso being that they must relate to a possible miscarriage of justice.

Allmystery (German) Nachdem der Hauptthread leider geschlossen wurde, würde ich mich freuen, hier in einer Gruppe weiterdiskutieren zu können. Der ehemalige Hauptthread bestand viele Jahre, ohne, daß er geschlossen werden, geschweige denn gelöscht, werden musste. Ich würde mir wünschen, daß dies hier auch der Fall sein wird und ein Schließen der Gruppe nicht passieren wird. Zur Neutralität habe ich den Eintrag aus dem deutschen wikipedia gewählt, in dem der Fall zusammengefasst ist.

Jillhavern Imagine you had been a police officer for 30 years and that you were investigating the disappearance of a little English girl named Maddie McCann. Imagine that all the police officers, including you, concluded that the little girl had died and that the parents were suspects of being involved in concealing the body. Imagine that the little girl’s parents were made official suspects and that the English press started to call you “bungling cop”, “amateur”, “corrupted”, “inept”, “incompetent” and “failure”. Imagine that the English press started to announce on a daily basis that you had “manufactured the case”, “made stuff up”, “”ditched vital evidence”, “hampered the investigation”, that you were “biased”, “cruel” and “lying”. Imagine that for month after month, the English press called you “fat”, “drunk”, “torturer”, “stupid”, “imbecile” and “infamous”, repeating 418 times that you were a “disgraced” man and that the mother of your children was a “prostitute”. Imagine that the police’s political directory did not defend you and that, quite to the contrary, it took the case investigation away from you, allowing for the English press to print the headline “Sacked!” and to renew all previous attacks with increased violence. Imagine that the Public Ministry declared that the process would wait for the production of better evidence and that said statement was understood in England as an “acquittal” of the little girl’s parents, prompting even more attacks from the press against the “bungling cop”, “amateur” and “corrupt”, who “manufactured the case”, “made stuff up” and “ditched vital evidence”. Have you imagined all of this? Well, then answer this question: IF YOU COULD WRITE A BOOK TO DEFEND YOUR REPUTATION, WOULD YOU WRITE IT? Now imagine that the book was taken off the market because it damaged the little girl’s parents’ reputation.

Facebook - Kate-and-Gerry-McCann The doctors Kate and W. Bro. Gerry McCann still receive money, via their fraudulent Find Madeleine fund, long after the death of Madeleine, born 2003, age 3, on 3 May 2007. How and why was Madeleine Beth McCann put to death?

Madeleine The Truth About: Just a little about me ….I have made mistakes in my life, just like you have, and today I write this blog with a very heavy heart for the pain and suffering I caused the family of a missing child. Yes I was the owner of the renowned 3arguidos forum. A forum that should never in this world been given an inch of cyberspace. But like many people, I truly at the time thought the McCann family did have something to hide and like others classed them as being guilty. ….. We all know they [McCann] should never have left those children, none more than them, but it is wrong to batter them daily with a stick, there is a child missing at the end of the day and that is who we should all be looking for. ….And if someone ever says to you “never doubt so and so”, let those alarm bells ring loud and clear and listen to them. There is always some reason or another why people want to guide you to believing someone. Do your research, listen to those niggling doubts and above all don’t feel committed to listening and believing others…. (McCann Supporter)

Madeleine myths exposed Wiki with forum →Stop the myths: “Madeleine McCann - “Still Missing, still missed.” NEW! - Abduction theories - See how simple the abduction theory is. Rebuttal of the MMRG (Madeleine McCann Research Group)'s publication entitled “50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you””- Forum of McCann Supporters which claim to debilitate any evidence.

Unter den Teppich gekehrt (German) Ich hätte mir den Anstieg der Besucherzahlen meiner bis dato vor sich hin dümpelnden Seite nach der XY-Ausstrahlung nie vorstellen können, bis vor einer Woche waren wir ein kleiner Kreis von Interessierten, die sich zumindest grob mit den ursprünglichen Akten auskannten. Ein Besucheranstieg um das 20-fache in den letzten Tagen erstaunt mich, ist das Thema doch über 6 Jahre alt. Aber es zeigt einmal wieder die Macht der Medien, die öffentliche Meinung und Interesse mit dem Fokus auf bestimmte Themen steuern können. Daher allen neuen Lesern ein herzliches Willkommen. Was hat sich geändert seit der Crimewatch Ausstrahlung? Zwei extrem wichtige Punkte gibt es inmitten von viel PR. Dies ist zum einen die Vernichtung des einzigen Indizes für eine Entführung, das es je gab: die Sichtung des „Entführers“ durch Jane Tanner. Das dies auf eine Art und Weise geschah, die völlig unglaubwürdig ist für die, die die ursprünglichen Aussagen Tanners zum Ablauf der Sichtung und die örtlichen Gegebenheiten kennen (siehe The Invisible Jane), mag eine tiefere Bedeutung haben. In jedem Fall ist es das Ende der Entführungstheorie und entweder ein Angebot oder eine Belohnung für Jane. Die Bedeutung spiegelt sich auch in den jüngsten Kommentaren der einschlägigen Foren und Twitter nieder, die all ihrer Argumente beraubt, nur noch auf Beschimpfungen zurückgreifen können.

Steel Magnolia A 'SUSPECT' probably carrying a child? McCann and Tanner - have both lied.

Pat Brown - The Daily Profiler Hosted by The Pat Brown Criminal Profiling Agency. Welcome to The Pat Brown Criminal Profiling Agency! If you need critical advice from a criminal profiler concerning a loved one's death (equivocal death and crime scene analysis), workplace violence (threat assessment), or personal and relationship issues (including stalking and domestic abuse), you will find the services here affordable and cost effective. If you want to learn more about profiling crimes and how to keep yourself and your family safe from pedophiles, serial killers, stalkers and dangerous predators, there is a lot of instructive information for free on this web site if you will take the time to browse and read.

Only in America Only In America - What claim has your piety on my deference?

Joana Morais - 1.Everyone shall possess the right to freely express and publicise his thoughts in words, images or by any other means, as well as the right to inform others, inform himself and be informed without hindrance or discrimination 2.Exercise of the said rights shall not be hindered or limited by any type or form of censorship Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, Article 37.º There is also a very fine →LINK-List to find.

The Maddie Case Files: all the information at one place, also runned by Joana Morais

Blacksmith Bureau Sometimes the Bureau does new light on old darkness.

Justice Forum Twitter UK Justice Forum @Justice_forum Potential 'Miscarriage of Justice' cases come under the spotlight. Join in on the debate, add your voice, offer your opinion and hopefully get to the truth.

The Interrupted Investigation Whatever happens in the end Kate & Gerry McCann have unarguably been at the centre of something truly dreadful, perhaps, for we don’t yet know, worse than dreadful. →The Madeleine Foundation Please note that the purpose of the Madeleine Foundation is to contribute to unravelling the mystery of what really happened to Madeleine McCann. We have nothing to do with he McCanns and their fund-raising site, ‘Find Madeleine’. …………. The case is now moving, in jerky steps, towards its climax and it’s time to start looking beyond the next couple of months. When it emerged in February that the McCanns wanted out of the libel case it was clear that something crucial had occurred and things would never be the same again. Amaral’s book was a lethal challenge: either you fight and refute me or you are tacitly accepting what I claim and the public will slowly but surely accept it. They had to sue. And to try and settle four years later, whatever the reasons, was tantamount to surrender, to accepting the irrefutability of Amaral’s case. …… The days of “keeping the case in the public eye” or “campaigning for the conclusion of the interrupted investigation” are, as far as I'm concerned, over, both because of those 100 000 hits a day on Nigel Moore's database and because of the progress of the investigation. There is no need to try and convince the public about the McCann case anymore since, after six years, they are now finding out for themselves. And there is no need to keep pointing out the significant evidence since the police themselves are now starting to do so. It is a matter of unimportance whether people agree with this blog and the writer’s views or not: debate has been overtaken by facts.

Chelsea Hoffman at Allvoices Profiler Chelsea Hoffamn runs a criminalistic Institute. Some well written articles also about the Maddie-Case.

HiDeHo Remembering Madeleine; Forum, good informations, linked to Facebook HiDeHo

Gazeta Digital Madeleine Case A “Disgusting” Episode of Distorted Evidence

GerryMcCann Abuse of Power Many people have been following this case in the British media but don't know the other side of the story from the Portuguese point of view. I have tried to collect as much information as possible for those who are only just starting to realise there is more to this case than is being told in the British media.

The Gaspar Statements Blog

spudguns' spoutings Blog

Hasta que se sepa la Verdad: Un lugar donde podrás leer la actualidad de las DOS VERSIONES de la desaparición de Madeleine McCann (mostly in Spanish language)

Video - mostly Youtube