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Jim Gamble

Chief Executive of CEOP.

He resigned in 2010 and started his own private company → The INEQE Group.

See also his profile at →The Telegraph: “With more than 25 years experience working in law enforcement, Jim Gamble, 48, is a true career policeman. Before taking up his current job as the head of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (Ceop) Centre in 2006, he worked as a superintendent in the Police Service of Northern Ireland and, most recently, as acting chief constable and head of the National Crime Squad. During his time in Northern Ireland he covered both uniform and detective roles before leading anti-terrorist responses in Britain and abroad. At the National Crime Squad - which deals with serious and organised crime - he oversaw a complex portfolio ranging from firearm deployment to hi-tech crime and intelligence to professional standards and security. He also set up the National Crime Squad's specialist response cell - the Paedophile Online Investigation Team - and was involved in the creation of the first international law enforcement partnership to combat child abuse online - the Virtual Global Taskforce. Mr Gamble is married with three children and lives in London.”

See also →The Register on his resignation: “…Gamble's resignation as Britain's most senior child protection policeman has today been welcomed by a broad coalition of internet firms, who said they had been alienated by his aggressive approach. Major ISPs and websites joined to criticise the former Northern Ireland intelligence chief's strategy at the head of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP). They expressed hopes that a new regime will improve cooperation and therefore improve child safety online. Gamble's resignation was revealed last night, ahead of Home Secretary Theresa May's speech to the Tory party conference today. An often controversial figure, he quit over May's plans to roll CEOP into the new National Crime Agency, which overturned his successful lobbying of Labour ministers before the election. They had agreed to grant the organisation more independence by making it answerable only to Parliament, rather than the government. The Home Office pointedly responded by saying it wanted to build on CEOP's work but “does not necessarily feel this is best done by creating a new quango”….Other sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the departure of Gamble will offer the chance of a “clean slate” between industry and investigators. One criticised him as “an extremely aggressive person” and a “loose cannon” who “loves the media spotlight”. Gamble's supporters argue his zealous advocacy has been very valuable in improving child safety online. He has used his media profile to lobby, for example, for websites to adopt the CEOP “panic button” and to complain that law enforcement agencies are required by law to reimburse ISPs for their retrieval of data on suspects….”

See also →Joana Morais: McCanns 'Curse' strikes Again: Jim Gamble head of CEOP has Resigned (04 Oct. 2010)

See also →Daily Mail: Kate and Gerry McCann 'very upset' at resignation of child protection chief as government accused of cost-cutting (06 Oct. 2010): “The parents of Madeleine McCann were said to be 'very upset and disappointed' by the resignation of Jim Gamble, the chief executive of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop)…Mr and Mrs McCann said it was 'extremely saddening' that Mr Gamble thought he had to quit. They said in a statement: 'We are certain that he will be a huge loss to the field of child protection. Knowing how committed Mr Gamble is to this cause, it is extremely saddening that he feels unable to continue to lead Ceop, apparently as a consequence of the proposed Governmental changes. The search for our daughter Madeleine has been greatly enhanced by the work carried out by the team at Ceop. We would like to thank Mr Gamble for all of his efforts, both for Madeleine and for all missing and exploited children. In this challenging economic climate, we urge the Government to remember the value of our children and the importance of the invaluable work which is necessary to protect them against the devastating crimes of child abduction and exploitation.' Home Secretary Theresa May has pledged her support for efforts to protect children, but said in a statement that the country did not need a 'new quango'.”

See also →Good Quality Wristbands-Blog: Did Jim Gamble Sanitize Gerry McCann's CATS File 19309? (09 Jan. 2012). (See also →Sex Offender Register and →List 99 and →Sex offender registration at Wikipedia for further informations.)

See also →Article written by Jim Gamble for the Guardian: Madeleine McCann's abductors should beware, the police will not give up (14 Oct. 2013)

See also his →Twitter Account.

See also his articles →'Action not jail' for paedophiles on BBC, 1 June 2007 and →Maddie’s parents ‘not suspects’ on Metro, 30. Jan. 2008: “British police and child protection officers do not suspect Madeleine McCann’s parents of involvement in her disappearance, the couple’s spokesman said. Clarence Mitchell said officials had assured him in private briefings that they were treating the case as one of rare stranger abduction. …He told a packed theatre: “I have never once seen or heard anything from either of them to give me any cause for suspicion in any shape or form. I have also had briefings privately from the police and the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) centre that also gave me complete reassurance that the authorities, in this country certainly, are treating this as a case of rare stranger abduction, as they call it.” …Mr Mitchell said he understood putting a story about Madeleine’s disappearance on the front page could add 70,000 sales to some newspapers, meaning there was “definitely a commercial imperative” to reporting on the case. He assured the audience they could be certain that “every single one” of the negative stories they read or heard about the McCanns was untrue.”