Just five hours in May

What really happened to Madeleine Beth McCann?

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The Tapas 9

source: Joana Morais blog The adults of the group of Holidaymakers including the McCann's:

  1. Gerald Patrick McCann, Madeleine's father
  2. Kate Marie McCann, Madeliene's mother
  3. Jane Tanner, partner of Dr Russell O'Brien
  4. Rachael Oldfield, wife of Dr Matthew Oldfield
  5. David Payne (Senior Research Fellow)
  6. Dr Fiona Payne, wife of David Payne
  7. Dianne Webster, Dr Fiona Payne's mother

source: McCannFiles.com See further details at Tapas 7.

See summary →PJ Files: The Tapas Group's Statements

The Tapas 9 composed the famous special "Timeline" regarding the evening 3rd.